If you suffer from any physical or mental illness that prevents you from working, you may qualify for benefits, even if you have been denied or never worked. Call us and we will advise you to apply at no cost.
How do we’ll help you ?
John J. Ingram and associates will help you present your case to the Social Security administration.
We will collect and review your medical evidence and investigate it under Social Security regulations. And if necessary, you will be referred to medical specialists for a satisfactory evaluation of Social Security requirements. We will obtain the information and review actions taken by Social Security regarding your case.
We will help you fill out the necessary forms, before their due dates, required by the Social Security Administration to ensure that your claim is still considered. And if with all this, Social Security continues to refuse to pay your benefits, we will represent you before an administrative law judge. John J. Ingram and associates will help you present your case to the Social Security administration. We will collect and review your medical evidence and investigate it under Social Security regulations. And if necessary, you will be referred to medical specialists for a satisfactory evaluation of Social Security requirements.
We will obtain the information and review actions taken by Social Security regarding your case. We will help you fill out the necessary forms, before their due dates, required by the Social Security Administration to ensure that your claim is still considered. And if with all this, Social Security continues to refuse to pay your benefits, we will represent you before an administrative law judge.
Everything you need to know
advantages of having a representative
It is important to have the help of a representative who has experience and specializes in representing people like you before the Social Security administration and who will help you receive the benefits you deserve. Therefore, do not wait any longer and call us to help you get the benefits.
If we accept your case, the fees of John J. Ingram and associates will be based on a percentage of the benefits received due in payment under federal regulations. Social Security regulations require that all fees be approved by the Social Security administration.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES if we represent you
Fill out the forms and applications we send you and send them back to us.
Be in communication with us throughout the process at all times, whether by change in address, telephone, doctor visits, employment status, letters received from social security, social security payments.
what you need to provide us
You will need to provide all your Social Security documents including: Decline Notices Decisions Appeal Forms Any correspondence sent or received from Social Security regarding your claim. To review your case thoroughly, we will also need the names, addresses and phone numbers of the doctors who have treated you, as well as all the hospitals in which you have been hospitalized or have received treatment outside of them. We will need a list of all the medications you are currently taking, the dose along with the name of the doctor who prescribed it. You must provide the names and addresses of your employers for the past 15 years, the dates you were employed by each of them and a brief description of your responsibilities in each job.